Film as a tool of educational value.

For Mother Earth, hope, equity and peace …

Where will the children play?

Help us be the official representative of the campaign

BID and Selva Negra for sustainability and childhood.

We are very happy to be part of the 30 pre-selected videos in this beautiful call.

With the help of the Grit Foundation in Cartagena and the support of the Boquilla TeVe, the Boquilla Nativo-Tours, the Skinner Institute, the Technical Educational Institution of La Boquilla, Fundevida and the children of the ecological group, we developed this beautiful project.

 At La Boquilla, a village in Cartagena de Indias, a fishing community formed by the Afro-descendants over 200 years ago, thousands of children struggle every day to earn a place from poverty, for life and for time and place to play. This community composed of happy people, lovers of their culture and traditions is constantly debating with social issues such as child labor, school dropout and a null use of free time as a tool to generate fundamental values ​​for life and coexistence .

The video was made around a training process with a group of children in the area with environmental management methodology where the child is intended to be manager of an educational process and environmental improvement and also be a multiplier in their family and environment. Waste material collection sessions were held, which were classified into elements that could be creatively used in the construction of their soccer field: Tapas and cans for the demarcation lines of the field, bags and bottles for the meshes of arcades and tires for bleachers.

The concept of the video was conceived as a single continuous shot or sequence shot, a filming technique that consists in making a shot without cuts during the established time of the song, making different sizes of planes and angles in the follow-up of the character and in the presentation of the location. This filming technique involves a large number of elements that must be previously coordinated (actors, extras, camera movements, lighting, art elements, etc.), and must start again from the beginning if some of them fail. For this same reason, the final result is more satisfactory than a video with different cut shots. The shot was previously tested and recorded several times before having the final, making use of a Drone and cutting only once towards the end of the video to turn on the engines and finish with a panoramic aerial shot of the field with children playing in The beach during sunset.



Director: Felipe Holguín / Producer: María Teresa Gaviria  

Camera: Akiro Palacio / Field Producer: Ricardo Camacho  

PA: Luis Gabriel Salcedo

Talent: Jhon Carlos Gómez

Extras: Grupo Ecológico Instituto Skinner

 La Boquilla TeVe / La Boquilla Nativo-Tours / Instituto Skinner                         

Institución Educativa Técnica de la Boquilla / Fundevida

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New business inquiries:

Talent inquiries:

Phone: (+57) 310 535 1327

Address: Address: Cra. 1 # 10 - 130
Cartagena, Colombia

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